Monday, January 2, 2012

Shipwreck's Baja Dec 9-11th 2011 with S.E.A.

Me and Mike Adnoff "Uncle Mike" drive down at 6am from Newport to Ensenada to pick up some final supplies from Leo's House and from Mambo Lamb's house namely him and a grom y dog. We head down to Costco pick up supplies then head to Hoppa's place pick him and his log up then we head down to Shipwreck's. We take the wrong path cause Uncle Mike wanted to take the long way thru quatras casas leading in the Tacoma while me Leo and his wife were in the truck behind them. We turn around with the other group we met up with at Costco and went down the road a couple minutes south then we went down another dirt road for 10 minutes and arrive at Shipwreck's.

Brett Hastings photo shoot at HB Pier NS New Years Day 2012

Drove down to NS with Brett while listening to Slackstring and Sublime we pull up he suits up and we head down. Its like a hot summer day with cold water with many heinas. He paddles out and its too bright to shoot from the sand so I shoot on ze pier.

                                                      And an interesting homeless dude