Saturday, November 6, 2010

Surf sesh with Cody Watten and Shaine Pires

I shot the bus down to tower 4 in Huntington on November 1st or 2nd and surfed for about three hours, it was hollow about knee-waist occ. chest high waves. Mostly a NNW windswell and we were expecting that other NNW to come in around 3pm needless to say it did around 530pm. It was glassy light offshore hot sun beating down and like 61-62 degree water, it was probably like low 90's out of the water.

The first two shots are of Shaine Pires.

The next few shots are of Cody Watten of the Cal State Long Beach surf team.

The next couple shots are just of a couple guys that were out that day.

 A great way to finish the day.
                                                        THE END...

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Jungle

Me and me mate Kyle Manley went to the Jungle and saw some pretty crazy things..